
Actualization and meaning are some of the cornerstones that drive our actions and priorities. Gather ‘round the cyber table to discuss happiness, success, connection, human rights, and other topics that shape our personal and collective experiences.

The Danger of Suppressing Emotion

Could you imagine Mr. Rogers on death row? (with a fuchsia sweater of course) 

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Are You Waffles or Spaghetti?

If you have a distinct spot for each thing in your house and could guide someone step by step to grab something over the phone, you’d likely consider yourself an…

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Don’t pay the consequences forever

When I think about all the times I’ve felt stuck in any particular area of life, it’s usually been a result of some emotional cocktail with central ingredients such as…

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Saying you’re enough, isn’t always enough.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but the message of “enoughness” seems to be everywhere these days. It’s definitely a refreshing stance considering most media and marketing campaigns have…

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When your days AND life seem too short.

I probably don’t need to ask you if you ever feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day, because based on most of my friendship encounters with this…

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{Video} 3 Thoughts + Habits Preventing Your Success

Hi Chica! If you find yourself having to fight off the mindsets + habits that keep you in the infinite grip of “stuck-ness,” this is for you. Enjoy sweet friend.

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