Stress Relief: There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel

From the pressures brought on to us by our jobs, the overwhelming amounts of studying in school, and dealing the relationships with others in our lives, stress is bound to happen. Deadlines, expectations, problems, and personal issues can often send us over the edge to the point in which we’re losing sleep at night over the amount of stresses in our lives. To cope with anxieties, I’ve put together a few tips to help all those who are in need of a stress detox and want to rid the negativity from their lives.

Stop what you’re doing. If you’re doing an assignment, something for work, or whatever activity you’re forcing your brain into, stop right now. Overworking yourself can be extremely overwhelming and you deserve a break every now and then. Meditate, take a walk, or put on some music. As short as 10 minutes is all you need and the time spent letting your brain breathe is not going to hurt whatever it is you were working on before. Taking a break can even improve your focus later on, as it gives you a chance to rest your thoughts and return back with a calmer and more stable mind frame. Don’t hesitate to take breaks, as they’re often times much needed and will help you cope with certain stresses.

Take a bath. This may seem like something you’ve heard over and over before, but a nice hot bath is a euphoric experience.  As Sylvia Plath once said “There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them”. If you’re really serious about the magic of bath tubs, get some aromatherapy bath oils (e.g. lavender or eucalyptus) and allow your mind, body, and soul to drift off as you forget about all the stresses and pains of the day.

Exercise. Countless studies have shown the correlation between working out and stress relief. Do your absolute best to find time in your day to workout. Whether that be hitting the gym, a jog in the park, or simply just taking a walk around the block—staying in shape can do wonders not only for your body, but for your mind as well.

Cut off the negative energy in your life. If you’re surrounded by negative people, do your best to get out of that environment. If it’s at work and you’re forced to be with negative energies, keep your calm and work as best you can until your tasks are completed. We’ve all been in situations where there’s a toxic energy in the room. It’s part of life—we’re not going to mesh well with everyone, and that’s ok. Surrounding yourself with positive and supporting individuals will help keep relationship aspects of stress out of your life.

Stress happens. But instead of just letting it happen, fight it. Learn the ways in which you can cope with it, and don’t let your worries eat you alive. Everyone handles things differently, and just know that life doesn’t give you more than you’re able to handle.

Words by Gina Stornetta

Image by Stephanie Pino

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