When I think about all the times I’ve felt stuck in any particular area of life, it’s usually been a result of some emotional cocktail with central ingredients such as fear of failing (again), a fatigued disdain toward starting over, angst about what people will think, worried conclusions as to whether or not this is what God would have for me, but if I can narrow it down to one common denominator, it’s my suspicion that I’ve somehow screwed up the chances given and perhaps it’s time to pay the consequences. (forever)
When I think about David (You know David + Goliath?) and all the ways and times he screwed up, I’m slightly comforted… Remember that time he impregnated Bathsheba? Another guy’s wife? (Uriah, amazing + faithful guy, by the way) We know he paid the consequence when his son to Bathsheba died. (cringe!)
-Drown in his sorrow to the point of paralysis
-Disqualify himself from future calls, projects and assignments
-Get angry and blame others or God for his consequence
-Let his mistake define him for the rest of his life
Now we might see his mistake as a BIG KAHUNA, but we can easily turn the page and see all the awe-inspiring things he later carried out in complete confidence and reliance on God. He not only trusted God’s company, provision and wisdom in the almost enviable accomplishments under his belt, but he also let God DEFINE who he was and what he was capable of.
So now I want to ask you, how do you categorize your mistakes, setbacks or failures? Are they simply weird turns that reveal the right direction, or are they dead ends that conclude your journey, minimize your impact and cheat your identity?
I know I’m choosing grace during the detour, strength in the setback, and freedom in the new beginning. (not to mention excitement like every time I secretly eat baby food)
How about you?