The Danger of Suppressing Emotion

Could you imagine Mr. Rogers on death row? (with a fuchsia sweater of course) 


Oye Pappi, Ven Acá!

If you love a  good mix of print and story that blends diverse culture with sustainability, gurrrl, hold your horses… or don’t.


Are You Waffles or Spaghetti?

If you have a distinct spot for each thing in your house and could guide someone step by step to grab something over the phone, you’d likely consider yourself an organized compartmentalizer. (more…)

{Video} 3 Thoughts + Habits Preventing Your Success

Hi Chica! If you find yourself having to fight off the mindsets + habits that keep you in the infinite grip of “stuck-ness,” this is for you. Enjoy sweet friend. (more…)

If You’re Looking for Treasure

Places can change you. Jakes hotel in Treasure Beach, Jamaica, is one of those places.
