Behind Monique Baron’s Lense: Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn

The world is filled with fascinating neighborhoods and captivating faces. Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn is one of them — a most charming one, home to some of Brooklyn’s inspiring creatives. Staff photographer, Monique Baron tells the story of this quirky neighborhood, and three of its residents, through her lense.

160926_disfunkshion_bedstuy_080160926_disfunkshion_bedstuy_158160926_disfunkshion_bedstuy_165160926_disfunkshion_bedstuy_058Name: Mekdela Maskal

Occupation: Storyteller (right now, digitally for brands)

What are you inspired by? Love

What is your favorite book? I’ve never been able to answer favorite questions. I adore my book club and reading anything with them is loads of fun; we have some of the most insightful conversations I’ve had in my life. Books are really a blessing and I find it special to have a contrasting but shared experience through them with people. I love anything Haruki Murakami or Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Widow Basquiat has stayed with me for a while, so has The Untethered Soul. I’m currently reading The God of Small Things and IQ84.

Share a few thoughts on your neighborhood… What do you love about it? What makes it home to you? I just moved to Clinton Hill near the Navy Yard from Bed-Stuy this fall. The neighborhoods are pretty similar and I wanted to maintain the same feeling. Homogeneous environments really get me down, so I’m happy to step outside everyday and be next to Forte Greene Park as well as the industrial feel of the BQE and the Navy Yard. [In Bed-Stuy you can] be living in a creaky old brownstone but also see more modern sights. I walk by people who look like me but have very different histories, and conversely the opposite features but maybe similar upbringings. I love it all…maybe that’s why I can never pick a favorite anything.


Name: Enya Mommsen

Occupation: Photographer

What are you inspired by? People, characters, elusive moments of truthful encounter

What is your favorite book? I don’t have a favorite book yet — still on the hunt. I just started Master and the Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

Share a few thoughts on your neighborhood… What do you love about it? What makes it home to you? It’s quiet. It’s a peaceful medium between gentrification and old families the have lived on the block for ages.


Name: Adrienne Fisher

Occupation: Maker/Creator & Owner of Meraki Nomad

What are you inspired by?  Mother Nature… everything about her. The way the sun filters through the leaves of trees, the colors of the desert, the way flowers make me feel, the markings of textures as she wears – ahhh so beautiful! A true artist.

What is your favorite book? The Alchemist. I feel it changed my life. I was also reading it at such a pivotal time in my life, too. I could read it over and over again.

Share a few thoughts on your neighborhood… What do you love about it? What makes it home to you? I feel my neighborhood is such a gem in this crazy city. I love the community and how small it feels. I see the same smiling faces at my favorite coffee shop every morning, hangout with the neighbors, and personally get to know all of the business owners at my favorite spots. I think that really makes a place home, to have the feeling of community and to be able to say hello to familiar faces, which can be quite rare in New York City.


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