Aiming True With Kathryn Budig

There’s a rare glow that permeates a woman who is deeply aligned with her purpose, an incomparable energy that remains present even in the woman’s absence.  Have you ever wondered what it was about that woman you met on the bus, your college dance instructor, the old lady with the unconventional humor, that you so strongly admired?

This is how many feel in the presence of Kathryn Budig. A woman’s woman who is dedicated to clearing up the societal lies that tell women how to look, who to emulate, and that it’s possible to lose 10lbs in one week. How does Kathryn plan on combating these false, idealized notions of beauty? I’ll give you one clue: she replaces falsehood with truth.


Nose Ring: Mountain + Moon // Kimono: Ishani Bohemian Designs // Metallic Tattoos: Glo Tatts // Necklaces: The Boho Trader, Scylla Designs // Bracelets: Gypsies Trunk, Ohm Boho, Isabella Rae Jewelry // Vest: Junk Gypsy // Rings: Tribe Jewelry, Lost Lover Store, Zamarut Jewel, Ohm Boho, Don Biu, Uma K

As a yoga instructor, author, writer, food blogger, face of advertising campaigns, motivational speaker, founder of Aim True… alright, this list can get quite long, I will pause at her popularly known achievements; Kathryn radiates an incredible energy imbued with strength and vitality. Our team experienced it first-hand, and we want to let you in on three secrets about this phenomenal woman…

She will have you loving her right off the bat, and not because you already loved her to begin with. As a yogi and fitness maven, she exudes confidence, balance, stability, and inspires it in others that surround her. Many probably know Kathryn primarily as a yoga instructor. She remembers the beginning of her journey fondly, “Yoga was such an unexpected career for me. The first few years I felt lucky to be making a living off of something I loved so much. It wasn’t until I found my voice as a teacher that I realized I had the power to help and empower others. I truly saw the reach and power once I started sharing my Aim True message. It’s my personal story, yet something that we can all relate to. That tribe connection is powerful.”


Rings: Tribe Jewelry, Don Biu, Uma K, The Stray Arrow

Secondly, she is gracefully multifaceted, integrating her Aim True message into all of her projects, such as her upcoming book set to be published in March 2016. What can we expect from her newest endeavor? “The overall essence is my Aim True philosophy and how it applies to all aspects of life — self love, our physical bodies (yoga sequences), how we care for them, how we view and prepare our food (it’s part cookbook), how we use our mind (intro to different kinds of meditation), and how to find true balance in our relationships and life,” she explains. For first dibs, make sure to pre order her book on her website.


Jumper: Ishani Bohemian Designs // Kimono: Lenni the Label // Necklace: Gypsy River // Bracelets: Ohm Boho, Isabella Rae Jewelry // Nose Ring: Mountain + Moon // Metallic Tattoos: Glo Tatts

Dedication and discipline are constant practices that yield growth – Kathryn is well aware of the fact and promotes it endlessly. In harmony with her dedicated fitness lifestyle, she practices martial arts and mentions she “[has] built an entirely different kind of strength from martial arts, and it’s given [her] a deep dose of empowerment.” Why yoga and martial arts? Kathryn explains what she has learned from each practice, “Yoga and martial arts have so much in common. They are both seeped in history, lineage, and respect. My Kempo Karate classes remind me of the discipline I achieved from practicing years of Ashtanga yoga. My Jiu Jitsu classes use my combination of strength and flexibility… Yoga balances out the fire by keeping me open and soft. They both require 100% of your attention. You can’t balance a handstand if you’re thinking about someone else, or prevent someone from putting you in a headlock if you’re focusing on lunch. They both teach you how to be patient and present, regardless of your mood or situation.”


Nose Ring: Mountain + Moon // Kimono: Ishani Bohemian Designs // Metallic Tattoos: Glo Tatts // Necklaces: The Boho Trader, Scylla Designs // Bracelets: Gypsies Trunk, Ohm Boho, Isabella Rae Jewelry // Vest: Junk Gypsy // Rings: Tribe Jewelry, Lost Lover Store, Zamarut Jewel, Ohm Boho, Don Biu, Uma K

Lastly, she has cultivated a community of engaged puppy-lovers worldwide through her organization, Poses for Paws.  In 2008, Kathryn set out to raise money through yoga to donate to shelters and organizations that aim to provide life to our feline friends. As an avid animal lover, Kathryn mentions she realized how simple it was to use yoga as a vehicle to raise money and awareness for dogs, which she describes as “the closest thing to pure, unadulterated love [she’s] ever experienced,” and adds, “I want it to be a reminder to people of how we can make change happen if we simply apply ourselves.”

You may be wondering how someone who offers abundant inspiration to a large audience daily gathers the strength to inspire others just as much. Kathryn assures she draws #inspo from literally everywhere, “I draw on inspiration from my family, my quirky dogs, my bright-eyed students, my loyal friends, my travels around the world, my success and my failures, from fictional books, other teachers and even my martial arts studies.”


Kathryn Budig is the embodiment of perseverance, discipline, acceptance, and love. She’s quite magical and we love her for it. Her last words for bona fide goddesses of the world? “Don’t waste one more minute focusing on what you lack — you are a powerful goddess with powers beyond your knowledge. Step into that power so you can love your life and radiate that energy to encourage your tribe and everyone around you to do the same.” We heard it, now let’s embrace it and continue flourishing.

Get to Know Kathryn…

Favorite artists (dead & alive): Beatles. Well, they’re half dead. Does that count? 😉 all of the artists from the Fauvist Period, Coldplay, Jean Michel Basquiat

Guilty pleasure: I don’t believe in feeling guilty about pleasures, but I do love snuggling up to a good TV show and eating cookies.

Fun fact: I’m a certified skydiver with 150 jumps

Favorite beauty product: Anything from RMS Beauty, Ilia Beauty or Vapor Beauty. I love organic, cruelty-free make-up!

Favorite books: Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, The Complete Brother’s Grimm Fairy Tales, The Night Circus

Words by Suanny Garcia Barales // Hair & make-up by Evette Villanueva // Wardrobe by Hugette Montesinos – Rodriguez


Top: Acacia Swim from Ishine 365 // Nose Ring: Mountain + Moon // Necklaces: The Boho Trader, Vagabond Queen // Bracelets: Gypsies Trunk, Ohm Boho, Isabella Rae Jewelry // Rings: Don Biu, Gypsies Trunk, The Stray Arrow // Metallic Tattoos: Glo Tatts

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