The Practice of Gratitude in 5 Steps

Cultivating a spirit of gratitude helps shift your life perspective by discovering a sense of harmony within your surroundings. It carries the rare power to slow down the speed of time, allowing you to fully connect with the present moment, and turns what you have into enough, while simultaneously providing you with even more — more energy, more patience, more compassion and all-around more happiness.

When we experience a life of gratitude, we experience not just the abundant love and support of our higher source, but actively contribute to the abundance of our universe. The practice of appreciation helps create a glowing energy of inner peace by connecting us to the intricate web of life that makes this world spin round.

As Jen Sincerio, author of “You Are a Badass,” so boldly states “gratitude is the gateway drug to awesomeness” and in order to help you obtain a natural high off the euphoria of life, we are sharing our method on achieving an attitude of gratitude.


Discover the Gift of Each New Day

Queue the term “present” – that is our magical gift in life. By slowing down and truly connecting with the moment you will begin to discover the gifts hidden within each new day. It could be something as lavish as finding a $100 bill at your feet, or as simple as a thumbs up from a kind stranger. Basically, it is any moment in time that brings a smile to your face knowing that you will remember it forever. When you begin to view life as a beautiful gift, you will continue to be gifted in life.


Keep a Gratitude Journal

This is probably the most effective strategy for increasing your level of gratitude. Keeping track of all the awe-inspiring moments you have to be thankful for allows you to create a sense of meaning in your own life. End each day by taking note of 3-5 encounters you were appreciative for, that way you are able to go back and reconnect with those thankful feelings later on in life.


Begin the Day with a Grateful Heart

Grant yourself an extra five minutes to revel in the comfort of your cozy bed and breathe in deep as you ponder all you have to be thankful for. Then, as you set out on your new day of possibility, focus on showing your appreciation towards those elements of prosperity every way you can.


Write a Thank You Letter

In today’s technology driven society, receiving a hand-written letter in the mail holds more meaning now than ever before. Make someone’s day by taking the time to write a letter expressing how thankful you are to have them a part of your life. Our relationships with others is the greatest source of happiness. As we build our gratitude practice, make it a primary focus to show appreciation towards the people for whom we are thankful for, rather than focusing on material items and circumstances.


Rejoice in Life’s Tiny Treasures

It could be a warm cup of coffee in the morning, while listening to the melody of cheerfully chirping birds outside your window. Or perhaps treating yourself to a warm bubble bath, topped off with rose pedals and a glass of wine. Whatever your vice may be, we can all agree it is the little things in life that grant us with an abundance of joy and prosperity. Always remember to be grateful for life’s tiny treasures by taking the savoring the everyday luxuries that bring happiness into your world.


Tap into the Higher Power

From beaming stars and glowing moons, to roaring oceans and drifting clouds. This enchanting earth is flourishing with a sense of life and purpose far beyond our very own existence. Transporting yourself to a calm state of meditation grants you the ability to show your appreciation by tapping into the higher power and experience the undeniable beauty of life surrounding you. With each breath of inner-peace remember the truth, you are a part of all the magical beauty this world has to offer.

Our greatest philosophers and spiritual gurus often refer to gratitude as a “practice” because this sacred method forever holds room for continuous growth. As a result in the process of growing within your gratitude practice, your life will continue to grow. All that is expected in return for providing you with a life of abundance, is to simply show your appreciation by sharing your radiant glow of grace with the world around you.

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