Knowledge and Wisdom: Playing the Balance Game

The last couple of weeks have been pretty chaotic with events such as Mercedes Benz Fashion Swim Week taking place in beautiful Miami, as well as wrapping up our shoots for the Fall issue, which only means that I will now transition into my “hermit mode” in order to design and layout the book for your reading pleasure! =) The interesting thing about all this chaos and “busyness” in high activity seasons is that I grow exponentially on so many levels. I begin to fret or attempt to plan for everything taking place and somewhat neglect other areas in order to get through the tasks at hand, yet I can have the tendency to temporarily loose sight of the vision which initially fueled the initiative in the first place. But then these times also force me to take some steps back, slow down and breathe. My body and spirit somehow begin to throw out emergency signals urging me to YIELD and to take matters lightly and level-headed  within my own time spectrum, rather than allowing the inevitably disquieting outside forces dictate the proper speed for me within the odyssey… But that’s just the thing, we forget we are not in a rat race, we are each on a journey; on a fantastic adventure that can either be enjoyed and indulged, or overlooked, ignored and missed. I surely don’t want to be that person that looking at my life in retrospect regrets working too much, neglects important people, abbreviates enriching experiences or skimps on essential spiritual time. So with this thought come two quotes that have been greatly resonating with me these last couple of weeks:

“Comparison is the root of all inferiority” -(Haven’t found who this is by)

“Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.”

 -Sandra Carey

-34-37-30-32-35-33-31-36-38-29Look details:

crochet one-piece: Offbeat Cuts / skirt: Dir 69 Studio / jacket: Ishani Bohemian Designs / clutch: The Boho Store / necklaces top to bottom: The Vagabond Queen, Sollis Jewelry, Artifacts World, Tribe Jewelry / rings left to right and top to bottom: Gypsy River, Bella & Chloe, Sacred Geometry Silver, Summer Love Jewelry / bracelets left to right and top to bottom: Isabella Rae Jewelry, Ohm Boho, Ways of Change, Summer Love Jewelry, Gypsy River / hat: Thrift Store find



The Danger of Suppressing Emotion

Oye Pappi, Ven Acá!

Are You Waffles or Spaghetti?