How Professional Surfer Tia Blanco Rides Life’s Waves

We don’t usually juxtapose the words vegan and athlete — unless we’re talking about professional surfer, Tia Blanco. First place International Surfing Association Gold medalist are also impressive titles that fall under her belt. Nearing her twentieth year of life, Blanco is riding waves seamlessly, in and out of the ocean.

After taking a glimpse at the brown-eyed beauty, one would think mermaids really do exist. However, Blanco’s beauty and kind-hearted spirit extend far beyond her exterior. Blanco promotes a combination of meat-free diet and toxic-free living in her efforts to effect positive change towards the way others treat living things. The pro surfer embodies all the qualities threaded in veganism, including compassion for all, a reverence for life and boundless energy.

As a young woman who is already exceedingly accomplished, one might ask, how did it all begin? Living in beautiful, coastal states throughout her childhood, by age 12, Blanco was certain professional surfing was her life’s calling. “I have always been a water baby. I remember when I was little and my parents would take me to community pools, I would wish so badly that I could breathe underwater,” she shares. Surfing continues to be a career she is invested in for the long run.

Veganism definitely gets a bad reputation from a lot of people and I am trying to change that. For me, deciding to become vegan was purely from a place of love and compassionate living.

In addition to surfing, Blanco also enjoys a downward dog or two daily. “I practice yoga pretty much every day because it just makes me feel so good. As well as surfing, yoga makes me feel invigorated.” For Blanco, an essential key to feeling rejuvenated and revitalized is her nutritionally dense and wholesome diet — and she defies all misconceptions surrounding veganism — she is a vegan athlete thriving on plant-based super foods. “Veganism definitely gets a bad reputation from a lot of people and I am trying to change that. For me, deciding to become vegan was purely from a place of love and compassionate living. I am vegan for all animals, my health, and the environment. As soon as I educated myself on how eating animals and their by-products affects ourselves and the environment around us greatly, I knew I wanted to be vegan. My energy and protein come from clean foods that do not contain any pus, blood, feces, cholesterol, etc. I feel like I have a clear mind and a clear system,” Blanco reveals.

Her social media platforms are infused with content that empowers and ignites compassion in others. “I just mainly want to inspire people to be all around the best human they can be, show compassion in all areas of life, and live the life they have set out to live and live it with passion and happiness,” she shares.

I am constantly learning and absorbing all of the great things life has offered me. My loved ones have a strong impact on my life and have influenced me immensely to be my best and to strive for greatness in every aspect of my life.

For a young woman who has barely reached her 20s, Blanco has sure made impactful strides in her career and the world. While reflecting on her experiences, Blanco shares a fond sentiment about her journey: “Every experience in my life has shaped me into the person I am today. I am constantly learning and absorbing all of the great things life has offered me. My loved ones have a strong impact on my life and have influenced me immensely to be my best and to strive for greatness in every aspect of my life. If I can encourage or inspire other people to do the same, I would be very humbled.” At this speed, it can be said with confidence that Tia Blanco will be shaping waves of positive energy in the world for many more years to come.

By Mariah St. John

Tia From the Inside Out…

What are you listening to right now? Ariana Grande, always!

What are your top beauty products? I always mix up my beauty products because there are so many different amazing products out there to try! I just make sure they are cruelty-free.

What are some of your favorite on-the-go items? Rosewater

What are three things you don’t leave the house without? Surfboard, brush, phone.

What are two home essentials that make your space a sacred sanctuary? Yoga mat and a journal.

What are you reading right now? I am reading Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic by Mike Dooley and The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Favorite place you’ve traveled to and why? That’s so hard, but I really enjoyed Canada, Tahiti, and New Zealand.

Swimsuit: Eidon // Faux Fur: Boho Buys // Necklace: Shakti Jewelry // Rings: Lux Divine Jewelry // Bracelets: Earthbound Trading Co., Hindi IndieYumajai

Necklaces: Woman Shops World // Dress: Wild Love Clothing

Swim Top: Eidon // Skirt: Mochi // Necklaces: Shakti Jewelry // Stone Ring: Of Native // Other Rings: Lux Divine Jewelry // Bracelets: Earthbound Trading Co., Hindi Indie, Yumajai


Editorial Credits

Photography: Megan Costello

Hair and makeup: Mariah Melanie

Wardrobe: Hugette Montesinos-Rodriguez

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