Stacy Barthe: Citizen of the World

Citizen of the world, Stacy Barthe accomplishes many things that people would only dream of in their young lives, including traveling around the world, joining Alicia Keys at a dinner party and, of course, working with Britney Spears.  Yet she remains one of the most humble singers and songwriters in the industry.

Beginning her mornings with a meditation in her sunny apartment in Studio City (near the heart of Los Angeles, California) is a very different backdrop than her time spent in New York and her childhood spent in Haiti. Despite the culture shock, she stays in L.A. because of the amazing weather, “It’s definitely different.” But no matter where she is, her musical pallet is constantly broadening, “being from Haiti, I was given a wide spectrum of music, I didn’t just listen to hip-hop and R&B, I listened to all types of music: classical music, rock music, afrobeat, everything.” When Barthe says “everything,” she really means everything, “Biggie to Bjork, Ella Fitzgerald to Fat Burger, Alanis Morisette, Fiona Apple, Mary J Blidge, Goo Goo Dolls, I’m a fan of everything no matter what genre.” But a little known secret about Barthe is that when she’s home alone her favorite thing to blast from her speakers is music with no words.


Stacy has written for several different artists and worked on many projects. She gains her inspiration from her travel experiences, having lived in Queens, Brooklyn and Long Island, Haiti, Miami, and Atlanta to name a few locations.  Her other biggest source of inspiration is her Mother who moved to the U.S. with nothing in her pocket, “She came here at 19 and didn’t even speak English and created a life for herself.” Her mother is also a survivor of domestic abuse, “I’ve always been an advocate against domestic violence, my mom used to be abused and I’m a suicide survivor so those issues are very close to me.” Being this honest leads her music to be her therapy as Barthe’s is not afraid to be vulnerable in her music, “the first song on my album is called ‘my suicide note’.”


Stacy sings through through all the pain and the struggles she’s faced. Her soulful, inspirational music has inspired many of the industries best, allowing her to work with Kelly Rowland, Pharell, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and so many more. Barthe explains that every experience is “different, but amazing.” Barthe also worked with Britney Spears on a track called “Blur” for her Circus album, “Britney Spears was brief, she came in and cut the song in less than an hour and then she had to go, she was amazing and such a professional.”


What would this phenomenal women tell her fan if she only had one thing to say? “Don’t stop believing.”

By Caelan Hughes

Feature image by Sami Drasin


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