A Perpetual Guiding Light: The Mission and Method of Dale Noelle

At the top of a massive modeling agency, TRUE Model Management, you’ll find founder and former model, Dale Noelle tirelessly leading and educating a host of talent, fashion industry professionals, clients, and the community at large.

Both a visionary and a trailblazer, Dale Noelle is shaping what it means to be fit, TRUE, and strong while delivering on that promise daily. In an industry where misinformation and risky health choices can flourish for the sake of fashion, Dale is committed to strengthening the mental and physical aspects of each model she represents. As Dale emphasizes, “TRUE makes educating and coaching our models a priority. We encourage open communication and let our models know that we are here to guide and empower them.”

For “fit” models, their ability to maintain a job relies on their commitment to keep very specific body measurements; a tough cause when our bodies are easily affected by our environment, mood, diet, and exercise. As Dale explains further, “the development of a fit model commences when the model acknowledges that he or she is healthy and at a stable body size and shape. If the model has not arrived at this point, we must work together to find the right balance. For long-term success, fit models need to be physically and mentally strong and consistent. For clothing production, a fit model is the standard for a company(s) clothing sizing, so a fit model’s body cannot fluctuate more than a fraction of an inch.” She continues, “Diet, exercise, and balance in life should be attained by every model – not only to keep measurements – but to have enough energy to sustain a busy day of bookings and the internal fortitude to be unwavering when faced with scrutiny.”

For long-term success, fit models need to be physically and mentally strong and consistent.

With clothing companies, manufacturers and designers operating under strict deadlines, fit models are often met with direct, efficient, and often blunt feedback. A fit model’s body becomes a vehicle for the movement, shape, and “fit” of the garment, which translates to its ability to “sell” to a target market. Dale encourages her models to seek the value within the feedback, sharing with her models the importance of being, “self-aware and introspective so you’ll be able to take a step back and decipher what criticism has merit and what does not.”

When outward criticism is embedded in an environment, there is often inward criticism that follows. This pairing can become a dangerous avenue for an inner voice to dictate strict personal standards, chase ideals, and seek extremes. Having wrestled with self-worth at a young age, Dale Noelle is familiar with the turmoil that perfectionist ideals can elicit. She reflects, “when I was younger, ‘perfect’ meant flawless and faultless to me, which is humanly impossible. I set myself up for failure by setting unattainable standards and beat myself up for any minor mistakes or imperfection that I perceived about myself.”

What started as a lifestyle change for Dale, led to depths of self-destruction—her physical body at a dangerously low point of 58 pounds and near death.  As she reveals,“my anorexia and orthorexia were devastating by-products of striving for perfection and did not start out because I was trying to reshape my body. Before my mind was warped from starvation, I was an athlete training at least 5hrs/day; I knew that I was always thin and did not need to lose weight. My unhealthy spiral started when I was trying to make “healthier” choices. I started eating less fat and processed food, as was instructed by my coach to all teammates, but I took the diet to the extreme.” Now Dale finds her joy to be, “fueled by the love and passion of my family, friends, and TRUE’s models and employees.”

The openness and accessibility that vulnerability exposes is the pathway to self-improvement.

It may have been a quick mental switch for Dale to move from suffering to recovery, but she certainly fought to heal and overcome. Her path to true beauty required her to utilize vulnerability to shine a light in the darkest of insecurities. Dale so eloquently adds, “The openness and accessibility that vulnerability exposes is the pathway to self-improvement. First, you need to discover your strengths and weaknesses. Then, you can plan a strategy to work on being the best person/model you can be. Being vulnerable is a strength – it enables you to be more humble, relatable, and to grow as a person.” Dale continues to guide that growth and secure a healthy future for every model, client, and team member she manages. Additionally, Dale shares seven self-love tips and this simple suggestion, “if you fuel your mind with love, it will allow you to accomplish anything you are determined to do.”

By Leah “Lou” Zorn

daleDale’s Seven Tips for Self-Love:

1. Positive self-talk is imperative, so read, listen, watch, memorize and believe in uplifting and empowering mantras. It is essential to align and affirm your thoughts with optimism to improve your well-being and be joyful, so you can love yourself.

2. Do good deeds to help others and be nice to people.

3. Breathe ~ very deeply. Massage tight muscles with essential oils and stretch at least twice a day (once when you wake up in morning and once before you go to bed at night).

4. Find exercises and healthy foods that you enjoy, and spend time sharing them with supportive friends and family who appreciate you.

5. Try to unplug and have fun without electronics at least one day a week.

6. Know that there are no mistakes. Everything is a lesson, so find the positive message and opportunity in every obstacle.

7. Follow your heart and do not compare yourself to anyone – just be the best, authentic version of yourself.


More on the models from TRUE Model Agency:


The Danger of Suppressing Emotion

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